Swamp Lake

We finally got out of the Fresno Camping World last night at 5. There were people there who had been there for a month, so I think we escaped easily. We drove up to Shaver Lake, and then the GPS said it was only a few miles more. And we breezed right past where the GPS thought the campground was….. and on for another 16 very curvy miles to Swamp Lake.

We set up camp and (because I was tired and hungry and actually, kind of pissed off at a lot of things) decided to hold off on hooking up the water/sewer until morning. We turned on the satellite Internet to let it lock on. We have a local wifi hotspot that is “live” even if the internet connection isn’t, and after about 10 minutes, I noticed the satellite box read “STOW,” meaning it had decided to turn itself off. We had unrelated but similar issues earlier in the day when the generator decided to turn itself off while we were driving, even though it was about 100 degrees in Fresno yesterday. Apparently, one cannot turn on the generator when the batteries are charged, except manually from the bedroom, and for some reason (the reason being that we thought the drive was only about an hour and 50 minutes, and instead it turned out to be 2 hours 45) we chose not to stop the RV, walk to the back, and turn on the A/C.

Anyway, the nearest cell phone signal I had was 16 miles ago. It is not going to go well if I cannot get either cell coverage or Internet access. The campground has WiFi, at $6/day (weekly plans available), but I doubt they’ll be thrilled if I’m hogging their bandwidth with my work over the VPN, uploading a 50-minute video presentation, and forwarding all my calls to Skype. And that’s just my stuff– Johnny has to work, too!

Without Internet last night, I finished the first sock I was working on for my mom. Unfortunately, I can see I am going to have to start over, because I used up 3/4 of the yarn that I had on one sock. And the yarn shop is in Boulder Creek, so I doubt I can get matching yarn anytime soon. But that’s OK– it’s only been two weeks of hard knitting to get to a singleton sock that I’ll never be able to use….. Off to the yarn store soon!