I have no idea where this came from

Stephanie on a Park Bench
I developed a roll of film the other day (yes, an actual roll of film!) and there were only three pictures on it. One was a picture from my desk– probably taken while I was loading the camera (the camera in question is my grandmother’s old Canon SLR, a classic that still works as well today as it did thirty years ago).
The other two pictures were this one and a second picture, very similar pose and clothing.

I have absolutely no idea when or where these pictures were taken. I got rid of that shirt a while ago, and I’ve lost those sunglasses, but I still wear those sandals and jeans, so I’m thinking it was in the last year or so. I just can’t remember taking this camera out in the past year, but that beige bag is the camera bag for it, so I’m sure I did at some point.

Anyway, I share this today because it’s a bit like a found object, to me.