I’m obsessed

I’m obsessed with my books lately. I think it’s very hard for a writer to look around at her beloved friends and companions, her library, and say good bye to so many of them. It’s like a holocaust of literature. I’ve removed four bookshelves from my office (leaving two left and several piles and stacks […]

Twitter Updates for 2007-04-27

In an STC meeting, listening to medical writers talk about what they do for a living. # @cas ¿Que quiere decir “la pelea”? # @cas ¿Como la guerra? ¡Interesante! ¿Ganale usted? ¿Donde? # I went to the RV today to put some things away. It’s very hot here– 92 in the sunshine. Whew! Still packing […]

Review: The Dark Tower Series

I recorded this lengthy series review last August about the Dark Tower series by Stephen King, but for some reason I never posted it to my audioblog. Since I’m transferring all of my audio files over to the megablog, I thought I would try posting this one as well. The review is about 16 minutes […]