Removing twitter clutter from my blog

John says the Twitter updates are annoying to have in my mega-blog. I consider his opinion to be very valuable,

I include them here solely for completeness. I want this space to be the mega-blog, the blog of me.

However, I can completely understand the desire to not see a whole bunch of clutter. I tend to be a cluttery person, after all, but that doesn’t mean everyone wants to see it.

As of today, I have hidden my Twitter posts from the main page of my blog. (oooh)

You can still see my Twitter posts by viewing the Twitter category directly.

The daily tweet digest will still appear in the complete RSS feed for my blog. Of course, you can subscribe to individual categories if you want specific subjects only.

Of course, this does not affect LiveJournal users at all, as I stopped cross-posting Twitter posts to LiveJournal mere days after starting to use Twitter.