Redefining Myself

In the process of emptying out my closets and my home to move into the RV, I find myself having to ask some very basic questions about who I am when I am without the trappings of my current life.

Who am I when I no longer have a home to take care of? Am I an artist just waiting for the time and space to express my inner creative vision? Maybe, but it seems to me that, if I were truly and artist, I would have made time long before now for that expression.

Other questions abound, about my sentimentality, my whimsy, my decoration sense. It seems perfectly reasonable to me to perch a posable art sculpture of a dragon in such a way that it should seem to be peering at me when I’m in bed. I suspect, however, that my loving spouse will not feel the same way. What to do with the copper leather mask I bought last year as part of a costume I’ve been “working on” for five years? Put it in the storage box along with everything else for that costume project? On the road, am I a costumer?

We cannot safely hang very much artwork on the walls of our RV– there isn’t much space, and conventional fixtures won’t keep the art from falling off the walls. Do we attempt to bolt our hangings on? Put them into storage? Say goodbye forever? Are we the kind of people who need to have artwork around us?

These questions weigh on my mind today as I go through one tiny corner of my world.

Posted in RV

3 thoughts on “Redefining Myself

  1. Pingback: Bryan C. Fleming
  2. Those are good questions. Sell or give away as much as you can. For things that won’t fit in the RV but you aren’t ready to part with, put them in storage. After a year, go through storage and see if you are yet ready to part with them.

    This is a HUGE lifestyle change and it can’t be done 100% with ruthless logic. There are emotions involved. It takes time to adjust to all of the change and that’s alright.

    Eventually, paying ~$100/mo ($1200/yr) for a 10×10 storage unit may encourage you to re-examine things and want to reduce to a smaller size.

    Hope this helps.


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