4 thoughts on “Twitter Updates for 2007-04-11

  1. What the heck is this “Twitter Update”? It’s confusing and just jumbles things up.

  2. Yeah, I’ve got to get it set up not to cross-post to LiveJournal. Twitter is a microblogging service; I’m just glad I have it set up to only post to my mega-blog once a day….

  3. Hmm…. It’s a cross between instant messaging, SMS text messaging, and blogging. Twitter is the most popular one, but there are a few others. Purpose? Instantaneous social networking communication? Most people feel it’s a very “fluffy” kind of service. Yet John Edwards is using it on the campaign trail to update his campaign, and I know of various people using it in business collaboration to share ideas and be in touch all the time. I’m still playing around with it, so I don’t know what all the possible applications are.

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