Toastmasters Speech #4

Click here for the movie! (MPEG-4 format)

I am trying out a couple of ways to post videos, so if you get the annoying “Click to play ActiveX” in Internet Explorer on this video, or if anything else breaks, let me know.

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2 thoughts on “Toastmasters Speech #4

  1. Great talk.

    I watched it through iTunes, as usual, and noticed a lot of really bad compression artefacts, especially towards the final third of the video. I’ve no idea if that’s related to your trying new posting methods or not.

  2. hey, hows it going?…Nice vid but you forgot one other important thing about a successful marriage, and I feel I can say this being married for almost 15 years now…….lie, lie, lie……. 😉

    just kidding or course…..

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