OT: Creating Art

Another one from Paris, this time an artistic endeavor outside Notre Dame Cathedral. I fell in love with Notre Dame when we were there– gorgeous! Edit: For music permissions reasons, I have removed this video as well as the other ones from France. Sorry. My conscious got the better of me. Aug. 3, 2005

July 16, 2005

[Off-topic video.] Click here for the movie! (MPEG-4 format, 7 MB) This is a video I took at the WAMM rally to legalize medical marijuana in Santa Cruz on July 16, 2005. Santa Cruz has gone head-to-head with the federal government over our right to alleviate suffering with a natural and mostly harmless (and definitely […]

Day 28: Your Last Meal

Click here for the movie! (MPEG-4 format, 14 MB) Okay, I trimmed this down from 13 minutes to under 6, but it’s still 14 MB, which means I’m not embedding it into the post, but I am enclosing it in the RSS Feed. The feedback says “post non-Book stuff, too!” so any day I don’t […]